7.- How To Start and Shutdown the system

7.1. Starting the system


For starting the whole system up, it is just a matter of clicking on the Icon labeled as "Start_ArcVIEW". This icon will call a script on /home/wirc/bin called Start_arcviewVNC
(this means that you can start the system by directly tu\yping on any Window ./bin/Start_arcviewVNC).
The script will start the VNC server, and the complete ArcVIEW applicaton inside it automatically.

Display for the images

For starting the Real Time Display, go  to the second screen and click on the icon labeled "Ximtool". This icon will  call a script on /home/wirc/bin called Start_dispVNC
(this means that you can start the system by directly typing on any Window ./bin/Start_dispVNC).
This script will start a second VNC server and the Ximtool automatically.
If you need to restart for any reason the Ximtool, you can go to the VNC on the second monitor, close the Ximtool, and click on the left button mouse. You will get a drop-down menu with the option of opening the Ximtool or the DS9. You can open an Iraf window here too

7.2. Shutdown the system

For shutting down everything, you should press the QUIT button on the main GUI. You will be asked to confirm the operation. Press "yes"
All the windows will close.

7.3. Connecting to the System remotelly using VNC

For connecting remotelly to the system (both the ArcVIEW system and the Real Time Display) you need to have installed the VNC client software. This software cames with the standard RedHat Linux distribution. If you don't have it, you can download it from  http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/download.html

It is important to note that YOU DON'T NEED TO BE RUNNING LINUX  on your local computer for connecting. Since this is a network connection, machines running Windows can connect to the server, even when both machines are running diferent O.S. So even if you have Windows (or any other OS supported by VNC) you still can connect to the WIRC VNC servers
Specific details on how to connect will not be given here for security reasons. If you need more info, please call extension 2157 (Marco Bonati) or e-mail mbonati@astro.caltech.edu