A Wide Field Survey of Two z=0.5 Galaxy Clusters

Welcome to our access page for data products from our wide field survey of the clusters
Cl 0024+17 (z=0.4) and MS 0451-03 (z=0.54).

The Project

Our collaboration has been collecting, since 2001, wide-field multiwavelength photometry and spectroscopy of these two massive galaxy clusters, including large HST mosaics that allow morphological classification of all cluster galaxies. We have been pursuing this project in the belief that a comprehensive "case study" of two massive clusters with quite distinct properties can provide a valuable complement to surveys that scan the high redshift universe with more breadth but less depth. As part of our effort, we make available here our photometric and spectroscopic catalogs, along with supplementary data sets such as spiral rotation curves.

The primary members of our collaboration include: Richard S. Ellis (Caltech), Tommaso Treu (UC Santa Barbara), Jean-Paul Kneib (Marseille), Sean M. Moran (Caltech), Graham P. Smith (Birmingham), Ian Smail (Durham), Jim Geach (Durham), Priya Natarayan (Yale), R. Michael Rich (UCLA), Alan Dressler (OCIW), Oliver Czoske (Bonn), and Phil Marshall (KIPAC/UC Santa Barbara). If you would like access to information or data products not listed below, please contact us (Sean Moran) and we will try to make available any additional data and measurements that are requested.

Publications and Press Releases

A Wide-Field Survey of Two z~0.5 Galaxy Clusters: Identifying the Physical Processes Responsible for the Observed Transformation of Spirals into S0s.
Moran, S.M., Ellis, R.S., Treu, T., Smith, G.P., Rich, R.M., & Smail, I. 2007, ApJ, in press: arXiv ADS
The Dynamical Distinction Between Elliptical and Lenticular Galaxies in Distant Clusters: Further Evidence for the Recent Origin of S0 Galaxies
Moran, S.M., Loh, B.L., Ellis, R.S., Treu, T., Bundy, K., & MacArthur, L.A. 2007, ApJ, 665, 1067 arXiv ADS
Dynamical Evidence for Environmental Evolution of Intermediate Redshift Spiral Galaxies
Moran, S.M., Miller, N., Treu, T., Ellis, R.S. & Smith, G.P. 2007, ApJ, 659, 1138 arXiv ADS
A Panoramic Mid-infrared Survey of Two Distant Clusters
Geach, J.E., Smail, I., Ellis, R.S., Moran, S.M., Smith, G.P., Treu, T., Kneib, J.-P., Edge, A.C. & Kodama, T. 2006, ApJ, 649, 661 arXiv ADS
GALEX Observations of "Passive Spirals" in the Cluster Cl 0024+17: Clues to the Formation of S0 Galaxies
Moran, S.M., Ellis, R.S., Treu, T., Salim, S., Rich, R.M., Smith, G.P., & Kneib, J.-P. 2006, ApJ, 641, L97 arXiv ADS
A Wide Field Hubble Space Telescope Survey of the Cluster Cl 0024+16 at z=0.4. III: Spectroscopic Signatures of Environmental Evolution in Early Type Galaxies
Moran, S.M., Ellis, R.S., Treu, T., Smail, I., Dressler, A. Coil, A.L., & Smith, G.P. 2005, ApJ, 634, 977 arXiv ADS
Evolution Since z=1 of the Morphology-density Relation of Galaxies
Smith, G.P., Treu, T., Ellis, R.S., Moran, S.M., & Dressler, A. 2005, ApJ, 620, 78arXiv ADS
A Wide-Field Hubble Space Telescope Study of the Cluster Cl 0024+1654 at z=0.4. II. The Cluster Mass Distribution
Kneib, J.-P., Hudelot, P., Ellis, R.S., Treu, T., Smith, G.P., Marshall, P., Czoske, O., Smail, I., & Natarajan, P. 2003, ApJ, 598, 804 arXiv ADS Press Release
A Wide-Field Hubble Space Telescope Study of the Cluster Cl 0024+16 at z = 0.4. I. Morphological Distributions to 5 Mpc Radius
Treu, T., Ellis, R.S., Kneib, J.-P., Dressler, A., Smail, I., Czoske, O., Oemler, A., & Natarajan, P. 2003, ApJ, 591, 53 arXiv ADS

(Updated 09/06/07)


In addition to the HST mosaics, we have obtained multi-wavelength imaging spanning from the UV to the mid-IR. Archival ground-based optical imaging is from Subaru Suprime-Cam for MS0451, and CFHT CFH12k camera for Cl0024. J and Ks images were taken with WIRC on the Palomar 200 inch. Seeing ranged from 0.6" to 1" for all imaging. Our master catalogs (below) include photometry from all optical/NIR data, to the 3-sigma depths listed here:


Palomar images can be downloaded by clicking on the links in the table, but please NOTE that files are > 150MB in size. GALEX UV, Spitzer MIR and HST images are available for download from the respective archives:

For further information on the data and survey, please refer to Chapter 2 of the PhD thesis of Sean Moran.

Photometric/Redshift Catalogs

We provide for download our `master catalogs' for each cluster, in fits table format. These include photometry for all objects detected and extracted in the HST and ground-based imaging (73318 and 59728 objects for Cl 0024 and MS0451, respectively), and include spectroscopic or photometric redshifts where available. Visually determined morphological types are given for all objects brighter than I=22.5.

Cl0024 master catalog (7.4MB)Cl0024 README
MS0451 master catalog (4.3MB) MS0451 README

For each object in these catalogs, a variety of tags listing photometry, redshifts, and positions are included. The associated README for each catalog contains a description of the contents of each catalog, along with important caveats and warnings about using the various fields. These catalogs have undergone minimal cleaning for public release and are still quite raw, so please do consult the READMEs. In particular, the MS0451 catalog currently contains a small number of duplicate objects, from repeat observations and/or multiple objects in the same spectroscopic slit. For a list of unique redshifts for MS0451, refer to Online Data below.

Plain text versions of these full catalogs are quite large, but we provide here truncated catalogs containing only those galaxies with spectroscopically confirmed redshifts, in both plain text and fits table formats.

Cl0024 Text (278kB) FITS (215kB)
MS0451 Text (235kB) FITS (181kB)

Spectral Line Measurements

Spectral line measurements for all cluster members with quality spectra, along with a subset of field galaxies (mostly in the range 0.3 < z < 0.65) are made available here, split into seperate text files for early-type (elliptical+S0) and spiral galaxies for each cluster, and for the field. For early type galaxies, we also include measured velocity dispersions (See text of Moran et al. 2007c). Each file with spectral line strenths has a companion file (in the same format) that gives the uncertainty in each measurement. Uncertainties marked 999.0 indicate that the line was not measured with > 3 sigma significance, while uncertainties of 99.0 denote an emission line that is only an upper limit due to nondetection of the surrounding continuum (i.e., the emission line is at least as strong as indicated).

Cl 0024: Cl0024 E+S0s Cl0024 E+S0 uncertainties Cl0024 E+S0 velocity disperisons
Cl0024 Spirals Cl0024 Spiral uncertainties-
MS 0451: MS0451 E+S0s MS0451 E+S0 uncertaintites MS0451 velocity dispersions
MS0451 Spirals MS0451 Spiral uncertainties -
Field: Field Spirals (Cl0024) Field Spiral uncertainties (Cl0024)-
Field Spirals (MS0451) Field Spiral uncertainties (MS0451)-

Object names in each of these files can be cross-referenced with the master catalogs. In MS0451, object names are listed in the field 'SPECNAME' of the master catalog, while in Cl0024, object names are constructed by combining three master catalog tags as follows: p+'HST_POS+i+'HST_ID'+c+'HST_CHIP'

Spiral Rotation Curves

We provide in this directory text files containing measured rotation curves for all field and cluster spirals in the redshift range 0.3Moran et al. (2007a). We list only the highest quality rotation curve for each galaxy, measured on the spectral line given in the name of the file: OII, OIIIa (4959), OIIIb (5007), Hbeta, or Halpha.

Online Data/Machine-Readable Tables

Machine-readable tables, as presented in our papers Moran et al. (2005) and Moran et al. (2007c) (when its ApJ issue is released) can be downloaded through each paper's ADS entry. Table 2 from Moran et al. (2007c) is available for direct download here; this is a spectroscopic redshift catalog for MS0451 that has been cleaned of all duplicate entries (unlike the master catalog above).

Questions or problems? Please send email to smm at astro.caltech.edu.
Page last updated on 08/28/07.