AY 124: Structure and Dynamics of Galaxies Winter Term 2013-14 Chuck Steidel 252 Cahill Grades: Homework 40% ph. 395-4168 Final Exam 30% ccs@astro Lit. proj. 30% office hrs by appt (e-mail) TA: Scott Barenfeld (253 Cahill, sbarenfe@astro.caltech.edu; X6222) Class WWW URL: http://astro.caltech.edu/~ccs/ay124/ay124.html Class hours: Tues. 1-2:30, Thurs. , 219 Cahill Part I: The Milky Way L# Topic (Reading) 1. (1/07) Overview, Distance Determinations, solar nbhd. (BM Ch. 1; BM2.1-2.3) 2. (1/09) Stellar Populations I (BM 3) 3. (1/14) Stellar Lum Fn., IMF (BM 6,7) 4. (1/16) The Galactic disk; structure and kinematics (BM 9.4, 10; notes) 5. (1/21) Stellar Populations II-- ages,chem. abundances, (BM 5,10) MW formation scenarios 6. (1/23) Galactic halo, bulge, bar, and center (BM 10; BM 6) 7. (1/28) Stellar Dynamics I (BT 2,3; MVW 5.4-5.5) 8. (1/30) Stellar Dynamics II (BT 3,4) 9. (2/04) Dynamics of star clusters, core collapse (BM 6; BT 8) 10. (2/06) Intro galaxies--classification, stat. prop. (BM 4, MVW 2.3, 15; notes) 11. (2/11) Disk Galaxies I (BM 4,7; MVW 2.3, 11 ) 12. (2/13) Disk Galaxies II (BT 6, MVW 11.4-11.6) 13. (2/18) Galaxy interactions, mergers, transformations (MVW 12, BT 7, notes) 14. (2/20) Elliptical Galaxies I (BM 11.2, MVW 13.1, notes) 15. (2/25) Elliptical Galaxies II, galaxy clusters (notes) 16. (2/27) Galaxy spectra, SEDs, non-stellar emission (BM 5) 17. (3/04) Galaxy evolution I (MVW 10; notes) 18. (3/06) Galaxy evolution II (notes) ****** literature projects due Friday, March 7 by 5:00 pm **** 19. (3/11) In-class presentations of literature project (10min+5 for each student) ******** final exam--available March 14, due by 5:00pm March 19, 2013. ******** Possibly Useful Texts: BM: Binney & Merrifield, Galactic Astronomy (Princeton, 1998- becoming a bit dated) BT: Binney & Tremaine, Galactic Dynamics (Princeton, second edition, 2008) MVW: Mo, van den Bosch, and White 2011 (Cambridge)