pro lext, x, flux, fluxerr, z=z, extmodel=extmodel, fixav=fixav, fixrvinput=fixrvinput, $ fixbeta=fixbeta, fixbump=fixbump, fixuv=fixuv, fixc1=fixc1, fixc2=fixc2, fixc3=fixc3, fixc4=fixc4, fixf0=fixf0, wv0=wv0, $ fitredshift=fitredshift, galav=galav, rangebeta=rangebeta, title=title, labels=labels, nolegend=nolegend,$ fitfilters=fitfilters, unextcurve=unextcurve, ext0fit=ext0fit, time=time, comment=comment, $ morecomment=morecomment, xr=xr, yr=yr, centfilt=centfilt, shortcaption=shortcaption, plotfile=plotfile,$ residuals=residuals, ext2model=ext2model, font=font, multi=multi, linestyle=linestyle, line2style=line2style, nofit=nofit, $ hnudge=hnudge, hideigm=hideigm, wav=wav, freq=freq, bbplot=bbplot ; Wrapper for fitextinct, produces extinction plots fit to a set of data. ; Unfortunately you have to run it twice to get the fonts right. if n_elements(multi) eq 2 then begin multi = [multi, 0, 0] endif if n_elements(nofit) eq 0 then begin nofit = 0 endif else begin nofit = 1 extmodel = 'none' endelse if n_elements(ext2model) and (keyword_set(ext0fit) or keyword_set(unextcurve)) then shortcaption=1 if n_elements(font) eq 0 then font = 'times' if n_elements(hnudge) eq 0 then hnudge = 0 if n_elements(unextcurve) eq 0 then unextcurve = 0 if n_elements(fixrvinput) gt 0 then begin if fixrvinput eq 0 then begin rvfixed = 0 ;fixrv = 0 FREES R_V endif else begin rvfixed = 1 fixrv = fixrvinput endelse endif else begin if extmodel eq 'smc' then fixrv = 2.73 if extmodel eq 'lmc' then fixrv = 3.2 if extmodel eq 'mw' then fixrv = 3.1 if extmodel eq 'calz' then fixrv = 4.0 rvfixed = 1 endelse if keyword_set(fitredshift) then begin zfixed = 0 endif else begin zfixed = 1 fixz = z endelse if n_elements(fixbump) gt 0 then fixc3 = fixbump * 3.23 ; check this value if n_elements(fixuv) gt 0 then fixc4 = fixuv * 0.41 betafixed = n_elements(fixbeta) gt 0 avfixed = n_elements(fixav) gt 0 f0fixed = n_elements(fixf0) gt 0 c1fixed = n_elements(fixc1) gt 0 c2fixed = n_elements(fixc2) gt 0 c3fixed = n_elements(fixc3) gt 0 c4fixed = n_elements(fixc4) gt 0 bumpfixed = c3fixed uvfixed = c4fixed if n_elements(ext0fit) eq 0 then ext0fit = 0 if n_elements(unextfit) eq 0 then unextfit = 0 storefluxerr = fluxerr storex = x if n_elements(fitfilters) gt 0 then storefitfilters = fitfilters ; filter/wavelength translation and Galactic extinction correction if n_elements(wav) eq 0 and n_elements(freq) eq 0 then begin filters = x wveffobs = filtwv(filters, fwhm=wverrobs) endif if n_elements(wav) eq 1 then begin filters = strarr(n_elements(x)) wveffobs = x wverrobs = x*0 endif if n_elements(freq) eq 1 then begin filters = strarr(n_elements(x)) wveffobs = 3e+18/x wverrobs = x*0 endif fluxcor = flux if n_elements(galav) gt 0 then begin notxray = where(wveffobs gt 1000) extmag = extinctionfitz(wveffobs, 3.1, galav) bad = where(finite(extmag) eq 0, ct) if ct gt 0 then extmag[bad] = 0 extfactor = 10.0^(extmag/2.5) fluxcor[notxray] = fluxcor[notxray] * extfactor fluxerr[notxray] = fluxerr[notxray] * extfactor endif else begin print, 'Assuming Galactic A_V = 0, or already corrected.' endelse freqeff = 2.99792e18 / wveffobs freqerr = 2.99721e18 * wverrobs / (wveffobs^2) wverrobs = wverrobs / 2.0 ;2.35 ; find the filters if n_elements(fitfilters) eq 0 then fitfilters = indgen(n_elements(filters)) f = fitfilters xx = 1 + intarr(n_elements(filters)) xx[f] = 0 nf = where(xx eq 1, nnf) ; count the number of usable filters in a weird way if nofit eq 0 then begin fitextinct, wveffobs[f], fluxcor[f], fluxerr[f], exttype=extmodel, $ par=sol, perr=parerr, pname=parname, fluxmodel=fluxmodel, $ curvewav=curvewav, curveflux=curveflux, chisq=chisq, dof=dof, $ rangebeta=rangebeta, fixf0=fixf0, wv0=wv0, fixbeta=fixbeta, fixav=fixav, fixrv=fixrv, fixz=fixz, $ fixc1=fixc1, fixc2=fixc2, fixc3=fixc3, fixc4=fixc4 storewveffobs = wveffobs[f] ; I really should redefine to preserve these. storefluxmodel = fluxmodel betapar = (where(parname eq 'beta')) [0] beta = sol[betapar] betaerr = parerr[betapar] avpar = (where(parname eq 'a')) [0] av = sol[avpar] averr = parerr[avpar] rvpar = (where(parname eq 'r')) [0] rv = sol[rvpar] rverr = parerr[rvpar] bumppar = (where(parname eq 'c3')) [0] bump = sol[bumppar] bumperr = parerr[bumppar] uvpar = (where(parname eq 'c4')) [0] uv = sol[uvpar] uverr = parerr[uvpar] c1par = (where(parname eq 'c1')) [0] c1 = sol[c1par] c1err = parerr[c1par] c2par = (where(parname eq 'c2')) [0] c2 = sol[c2par] c2err = parerr[c2par] c3par = (where(parname eq 'c3')) [0] c3 = sol[c3par] c3err = parerr[c3par] c4par = (where(parname eq 'c4')) [0] c4 = sol[c4par] c4err = parerr[c4par] if extmodel eq 'fm1' then begin c1 = 2.030 - 3.007*c2 c1err = abs(2.030 - 3.007*(c2+c2err) - c1) endif if extmodel eq 'fm2' then begin c2 = -0.824 + 4.717/rv c2err = abs(-0.824 + 4.717/(rv+rverr) - c2) c1 = 2.030 - 3.007*c2 c1err = abs(2.030 - 3.007*(c2+c2err) - c1) endif if extmodel eq 'reichart' then begin c1 = -0.064 - 3.275*(c2 - 0.711) c1err = abs(-0.064 - 3.275*(c2+c2err - 0.711) - c1) rv = 3.228 - 2.685*(c2 - 0.721) + 1.806*(c2 - 0.721)^2 rverr = abs(3.228 - 2.685*(c2+c2err - 0.721) + 1.806*(c2+c2err - 0.721)^2 - rv) endif ; Intrinsic curve - best fit with extinction zeroed unextsol = sol unextsol[avpar] = 0.0 ;sol, but without extinction (A_V = 0) unextcurveflux = extpw(curvewav, unextsol, noigm=hideigm) unextmodelflux = extpw(wveffobs[f], unextsol) afilt = 2.5*alog10(unextmodelflux/fluxcor[f]) openw, 2, 'extinfo.txt' printf, 2, extmodel printf, 2, 'beta=',+beta printf, 2, 'chi^2/dof = ',clip(chisq),'/',clip(dof) printf, 2, clip('filt',6), ' ', clip('wav_eff',8), ' ', clip('flux',11), ' ', clip('unc',10), ' ', clip('model',10), '', clip('intrins',10), ' ', clip('A_filt',10) for i = 0, n_elements(f)-1 do begin printf, 2, clip(filters[f[i]],6), ' ', fpr(wveffobs[f[i]],5.2), ' ', clip(fluxcor[f[i]],11), ' ', clip(fluxerr[f[i]],10), ' ', clip(fluxmodel[i],10), clip(unextmodelflux[i],10), ' ', clip(afilt[i],10) endfor close, 2 endif ; Secondary fit if n_elements(ext2model) gt 0 then begin ; The behavior of the secondary fit is necessarily a bit weird because the lack of options to control it. if ext2model eq 'smc' then fixrv2 = 2.73 if ext2model eq 'lmc' then fixrv2 = 3.2 if ext2model eq 'mw' then fixrv2 = 3.1 if ext2model eq 'calz' then fixrv2 = 4.0 fitextinct, wveffobs[f], fluxcor[f], fluxerr[f], exttype=ext2model, $ par=sol2, perr=parerr2, fluxmodel=fluxmodel2, $ curvewav=curvewav, curveflux=curveflux2, chisq=chisq2, dof=dof2, $ rangebeta=rangebeta, fixf0=fixf0, fixbeta=fixbeta, fixz=fixz, fixrv=fixrv2 ;fixf0=fixf0, fixbeta=fixbeta, fixav=fixav, fixrv2=fixrv2, fixz=fixz, fixc1=fixc1, fixc2=fixc2, fixc3=fixc3, $ ;fixc4=fixc4 endif if ext0fit ge 1 then begin ; No-extinction solution with no beta constraint fitextinct, wveffobs[f], fluxcor[f], fluxerr[f], exttype='none', fixz=fixz, $ par=fitext0sol, perr=fitext0perr, pname=fitext0pname, fluxmodel=fitext0fluxmodel, $ curvewav=curvewav, curveflux=fitext0curveflux, chisq=fitext0chisq, dof=fitext0dof endif xray = where(wveffobs lt 1000, ctxray) if ctxray gt 0 then begin wveffobsx = wveffobs[xray] wverrobsx = wverrobs[xray] ; preserve these fluxcorx = fluxcor[xray] fluxerrx = fluxerr[xray] endif notxray = where(wveffobs gt 1000) if n_elements(notxray) ne n_elements(wveffobs) then begin filters = filters[notxray] fitfilters = fitfilters and notxray fluxcor = fluxcor[notxray] fluxerr = fluxerr[notxray] wveffobs = wveffobs[notxray] wverrobs = wverrobs[notxray] endif plotresiduals = keyword_set(residuals) if n_elements(plotfile) eq 0 then plotfile = '' ; open plot if n_elements(multi) eq 0 then begin xs = 5.0 ys = 3.8+1.5*plotresiduals initdev = ! set_plot, 'ps' if strpos(plotfile,'.eps') gt -1 then device, /encapsulated device, filename=plotfile !p.font = 0 device, /symbol, font_index = 4 if font eq 'helvetica' then begin device, /helvetica, font_index = 17 device, /helvetica, /bold, font_index = 18 endif else begin device, /times, font_index = 17 device, /times, /bold, font_index = 18 endelse device, /isolatin1, font_index = 19 device, /inches, xsize=xs, ysize=ys device, /inches, yoffset=4.5+(5.5-ys) color = 1 if (color) then begin device, /color loadfiltcolors endif endif else begin !p.multi = [2,2,1] ; never repage since !p.multi is crap endelse ;minwv = (min(wveffobs[fitfilters])*0.85/1000)*1000 minwv = 912 * (1+z) maxwv = (max(wveffobs[fitfilters])/0.85/5000)*5000 minflux = (min(fluxcor[fitfilters])*0.8) maxflux = (max(fluxcor[fitfilters])/0.8) xtv = [1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 7500, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000] xtv = xtv[where(xtv ge minwv and xtv le maxwv)] if n_elements(xr) eq 0 then xr = [max(wveffobs)*1.2, min(wveffobs)*0.8] abmags = ujy2mag(fluxcor, 'AB') abmagrange = ujy2mag([minflux,maxflux], 'AB') abmagerr = abmags - ujy2mag(fluxcor+fluxerr,'AB') ycent = mean(abmagrange) if n_elements(centfilt) gt 0 then begin centindex = where(filters eq centfilt, ct) if ct eq 1 then ycent = (ujy2mag(fluxcor[centindex],'AB')) [0] endif if n_elements(yr) eq 0 then yrange = abmagrange + [0.5, -0.5] if n_elements(yr) eq 1 then yrange = ycent + [yr/2.,-yr/2.] if n_elements(yr) eq 2 then yrange = yr if yrange[0] lt yrange[1] then yrange = [yrange[1],yrange[0]] minflux = mag2ujy(yrange[0],'AB') maxflux = mag2ujy(yrange[1],'AB') if maxflux/minflux lt 100 then ytv = [1, 2, 5] else ytv = [1] ytv = [ytv*0.01, ytv*0.1, ytv, ytv*10, ytv*100, ytv*1000, ytv*1e4, ytv*1e5, ytv*1e6, ytv*1e7] ytv = ytv[where(ytv ge minflux and ytv le maxflux)] xtitle = '!4l!17!Deff!N (!19'+string(197B) + '!17)' ; !6!sA!r!u!9 %!6!n!4!17 x2title =' !4l!17!Deff,rest!N (!19'+string(197B) + '!17)' ; !6!sA!r!u!9 %!6!n!4!17 ytitle = '!17magnitude (AB)' y2title = '!17F!D!4n!17!N (!4m!17Jy)' cols = getfiltcolors(filters) if n_elements(multi) gt 0 then begin xtf = (multi[3] eq multi[1]-1) ? '(I)' : '(A1)' xtitle = (multi[3] eq multi[1]-1) ? xtitle : '' ytitle = (multi[2] eq 0) ? ytitle : '' endif else begin xtf = '(I)' endelse xnorm_ch_size = 1.0*!d.x_ch_size / !d.x_vsize ynorm_ch_size = 1.0*!d.y_ch_size / !d.y_vsize left = 7. * xnorm_ch_size + hnudge bot = 3.2 * ynorm_ch_size right = 1 - 7. * xnorm_ch_size + hnudge if n_elements(multi) gt 0 then begin if multi[0] gt 2 then right = 1 - 1.5 * xnorm_ch_size endif top = 1 - 3. * ynorm_ch_size if n_elements(multi) gt 0 then begin yinc = (top-bot)/multi[1] xinc = (right-left)/multi[0] endif if n_elements(multi) eq 0 then begin !p.position = [left, bot, right, top] endif else begin !p.position = [left+xinc*(multi[2]), top-yinc*(multi[3]+1), left+xinc*(multi[2]+1), top-yinc*(multi[3])] endelse spacing = 1.4 * ynorm_ch_size * ((!p.position[3]-!p.position[1])/0.8)^0.2 xmargin = 3. * xnorm_ch_size * (!p.position[2]-!p.position[0])/0.8 ymargin = 1. * ynorm_ch_size * (!p.position[3]-!p.position[1])/0.8 if plotresiduals then begin !p.multi = [0,1,2] ; safe generally !p.position = [0.12, 0.369, 0.89, 0.93] respos = [0.12, 0.086, 0.89, 0.369] endif ; set up plot frame if plotresiduals then xtf1 = '(A1)' else xtf1 = xtf if plotresiduals then xtitle1 = '' else xtitle1 = xtitle ytitle1 = ytitle if n_elements(yrange) eq 2 then begin if max(yrange)-min(yrange) gt 3.5 then ytf = '(I)' endif if (minflux gt 1 and maxflux lt 100000.) then rytf = '(I)' if n_elements(multi) gt 0 then begin hugewhitespace = ' ' ystyle = 1 ; left axis if multi[2] gt 0 then ytitle1='' ;no title unless on left side if multi[1] eq 3 and multi[3] ne 1 then ytitle1='' ;if 3 vertical plots, title only on middle plot if multi[0] eq 2 and multi[2] eq 1 then ytf='(A1)' ;if 2 horizontal plots, no tick labels on right plots ;bottom axis if multi[0] eq 2 and multi[2] gt 0 then xtitle1='' ;if 2 horizontal plots, only one title if multi[0] eq 2 and multi[2] eq 0 then xtitle1=hugewhitespace+' '+xtitle1 ;space out that title to put it in the center ;top axis xtf = (multi[3] eq 0) ? '(I)' : '(A1)' ;tick labels only on top plots x2title = (multi[3] eq 0) ? x2title : '' ;title only on top plots if multi[0] eq 2 and multi[2] gt 0 then x2title='' ;if 2 horizontal plots, only one title if multi[0] eq 2 and multi[2] eq 0 then x2title=hugewhitespace+x2title ;space out that title to put it in the center ;right axis rytf = '(A1)' ;blank by default y2title = (multi[2] eq multi[0]-1) ? y2title : '' ;no title unless on right side if multi[0] eq 2 and multi[2] eq 1 then rytf='(I)' ;if right of 2 horizontal plots, label right side if multi[0] eq 2 and multi[2] eq 1 then rytitle=ytitle ;if right of 2 horizontal plots, title right side endif megaplot, xrange=xr, yrange=yrange, xstyle=1+8, ystyle=8+1, /xlog, $ xtitle=xtitle1, ytitle=ytitle1, xtickformat=xtf1, xminor=2, ytickformat=ytf ;plot measurements megaplot, wveffobs[f], abmags[f], yerr=abmagerr[f], xerr=wverrobs[f], /noerase if nnf gt 0 then $ megaplot, wveffobs[nf], abmags[nf], yerr=abmagerr[nf], xerr=wverrobs[nf], errcolor=15, /noerase ; plot top x-axis if max(xr/(1+z)) lt 8000. then begin xtickv = [1500.,2000.,3000.,4000.,6000.] xticks = 3 xticklabelv = [1000,2000,4000,6000] xticklabels = 3 endif if max(xr/(1+z)) ge 8000. and max(xr/(1+z)) le 10000. then begin xticklabelv = [1000.,2000.,4000.,6000.,8000.] xticklabels = 4 xtickv = [1,2,4,6,8,10]*1000. endif if max(xr/(1+z)) gt 10000. then begin xticklabelv = [1000.,2000.,4000.,6000.,10000.,20000.] xticklabels = 5 xtickv = [1,2,4,6,8,10,20]*1000. ; xticks = 7 endif axis, xaxis=1, xrange=xr/(1.+z), xstyle=1, xtitle=x2title, /xlog, $ xticks=xticklabels, xtickv=xticklabelv, $ xtickformat=xtf, xminor=1 axis, xaxis=1, xrange=xr/(1.+z), xstyle=1, /xlog, $ xticks=n_elements(xtickv), xtickv=xtickv, $ xtickformat='(A1)', xminor=2, /noerase ; plot right y-axis if n_elements(multi) eq 0 then begin ;flux axis ytickv=ytv axis, yaxis=1, yrange=[minflux,maxflux], ystyle=1, yminor=9, ytickformat='(A1)', /ylog axis, yaxis=1, yrange=[minflux,maxflux], ystyle=1, ytitle='!17'+y2title,$ /ylog, yticks=n_elements(ytickv), ytickv=ytickv, ytickformat=rytf,yminor=0 ;axis, yaxis=1, yrange=[minflux,maxflux], ystyle=1, $ ; /ylog, yticks=n_elements(ytickv)+1, ytickv=ytickv, ytickformat='(I)',yminor=10 ;if n_elements(!p.multi[1] > 1 or !p.multi[2] > 1) then device, font_size=9 ;plot, wveffobs, fluxcor, xrange=[maxwv,minwv], xstyle=1, yrange=[minflux,maxflux], ystyle=1, /xlog, /ylog, xtitle='! 17'+xtitle, ytitle='!17'+ytitle, /nodata,$ ; title = '!17'+title+'!17', $ ; xticks = n_elements(xtv)-1, $ ; xtickv = xtv, $ ; xtickformat = '(I)', $ ; yticks = n_elements(ytv)-1, $ ; ytickv = ytv endif else begin if multi[0] gt 2 then $ axis, yaxis=1, ytickformat='(A1)', yticks=1, yminor=1 ;null axis if more than 3 horizontal plots if multi[0] eq 2 then axis, yaxis=1, yrange=yrange, ytickformat=rytf, yminor=10, ytitle=rytitle, ystyle=1 endelse if nofit ne 0 then begin goto, printlabels ; gratuitous hack endif ;axis, xaxis = 1, xrange=[25000, 5000]/(1.0+z), xtickv=xtv/(1.0+z), /xlog !p.psym = 0 if n_elements(linestyle) gt 0 then extfitlinestyle = linestyle else extfitlinestyle = 0 if keyword_set(overplot) then extfitlinestyle = 1 unextlinestyle = 3 bestunextlinestyle = 2 if n_elements(line2style) gt 0 then model2linestyle = line2style else model2linestyle = 1 ;plot fitted curve valid = where(curvewav/(1.+z) gt 1000.) oplot, curvewav[valid], ujy2mag(curveflux[valid],'AB'), psym=0, linestyle=extfitlinestyle if unextcurve and av gt 0.01 then $ oplot, curvewav, ujy2mag(unextcurveflux,'AB'), psym=0, linestyle=unextlinestyle if ext0fit then begin notdamped = where(curvewav/(1+z) gt 1217) oplot, curvewav[notdamped], ujy2mag(fitext0curveflux[notdamped],'AB'), psym=0, linestyle=bestunextlinestyle endif if n_elements(ext2model) gt 0 then begin oplot, curvewav, ujy2mag(curveflux2,'AB'), psym=0, linestyle=model2linestyle endif fixedstr = '' ; ' (fixed)' pm = ' !19'+string(177B) + '!17 ' betastr = fpr(beta+0.0001, 2.2) + $ (betafixed ? fixedstr : pm +fpr(betaerr,1.2)) avstr = fpr(av,1.2) + (avfixed ? fixedstr : pm +fpr(averr,1.2)) if extmodel eq 'none' then avstr = '0 (fixed)' rvstr = clip(rv,4) + (rvfixed ? fixedstr : pm +fpr(rverr,1.2)) bumpstr = clip(3.23*bump,4)+(bumpfixed ? fixedstr : pm +fpr(3.23*bumperr,1.2)) uvstr = clip(0.41*uv,4) + (uvfixed ? fixedstr : pm +fpr(0.41*uverr,1.2)) if n_elements(ext2model) gt 0 then begin beta2 = sol2[where(parname eq 'beta')] beta2err = parerr2[where(parname eq 'beta')] av2 = sol2[where(parname eq 'a')] av2err = parerr2[where(parname eq 'a')] av2str = fpr(av2,1.2) + (avfixed ? fixedstr : pm +fpr(av2err,1.2)) beta2str = fpr(beta2+0.0001, 2.2) + $ (betafixed ? fixedstr : pm +fpr(beta2err,1.2)) av2str = fpr(av2,1.2) + (avfixed ? fixedstr : pm +fpr(av2err,1.2)) endif ;averrstr = '!S+ ' + fpr(averr,1.3) + ' !R_' ; rvstr = fpr(rv,1.3)+ '!S+ ' + fpr(rverr,1.3) + ' !R_' chisqstr = clip(chisq,4) + ' / ' + clip(dof) if chisq lt 0.01 then chisqstr = '0' + ' / ' + clip(dof) if not(keyword_set(nolegend)) then begin if keyword_set(shortcaption) then begin ; "Short" caption lx = !p.position[0] + xmargin ly = !p.position[1] + ymargin + spacing * 3 if ext0fit then ly = ly + spacing if n_elements(ext2model) gt 0 then ly = ly + spacing lsp = spacing astr = 'A!DV!N = ' a2str = astr extstring = '' ; general - FM2, etc. ext2string = '' if extmodel eq 'none' then extstring = '' if extmodel eq 'smc' then extstring = '(SMC)' if extmodel eq 'lmc' then extstring = '(LMC)' if extmodel eq 'mw' then extstring = '(MW)' if extmodel eq 'calz' then extstring = '(Calz)' if extmodel eq 'maio' then extstring = '(SN)' if extmodel eq 'maio' then astr = 'A!D3000!N = ' if n_elements(fixrv) gt 0 then begin if extmodel eq 'smc' and fixrv ne 2.73 then extstring = '(SMC, R!DV!N='+fpr(fixrv,1.1)+')' if extmodel eq 'lmc' and fixrv ne 3.2 then extstring = '(LMC, R!DV!N='+fpr(fixrv,1.1)+')' if extmodel eq 'mw' and fixrv ne 3.1 then extstring = '(MW, R!DV!N='+fpr(fixrv,1.1)+')' if extmodel eq 'calz' and fixrv ne 4.0 then extstring = '(Calz, R!DV!N='+fpr(fixrv,1.1)+')' endif if n_elements(ext2model) gt 0 then begin if ext2model eq 'none' then extstring = '' if ext2model eq 'smc' then ext2string = '(SMC)' if ext2model eq 'lmc' then ext2string = '(LMC)' if ext2model eq 'mw' then ext2string = '(MW)' if ext2model eq 'maio' then ext2string = '(SN)' if ext2model eq 'maio' then a2str = 'A!D3000!N = ' if ext2model eq 'calz' then ext2string = '(Calz)' endif if beta lt 0 then betastr = clip(fpr(beta,2.1)) else betastr = clip(fpr(beta,1.2)) if n_elements(ext2model) gt 0 then begin if beta2 lt 0 then beta2str = clip(fpr(beta2,2.1)) else beta2str = clip(fpr(beta2,1.2)) endif plots, [lx,lx+0.05], [ly,ly]+0.01, /norm, linestyle=extfitlinestyle ;xyouts, lx+0.33, ly, /norm, extstring xyouts, lx+0.19, ly, /norm, astr+fpr(av,1.2) + ' ' + extstring xyouts, lx+0.06, ly, /norm, '!4b!17 = '+betastr if n_elements(ext2model) gt 0 then begin plots, [lx,lx+0.05], [ly,ly]+0.01+lsp*1, /norm, linestyle=model2linestyle ;xyouts, lx+0.33, ly+lsp*1, /norm, ext2string xyouts, lx+0.19, ly+lsp*1, /norm, a2str+fpr(av2,1.2) + ' ' + ext2string xyouts, lx+0.06, ly+lsp*1, /norm, '!4b!17 = '+beta2str endif if ext0fit then begin plots, [lx,lx+0.05], [ly,ly]+0.01-lsp*1, /norm, linestyle=bestunextlinestyle xyouts, lx+0.19, ly-lsp*1, /norm, 'A!DV!N = 0' xyouts, lx+0.06, ly-lsp*1, /norm, '!4b!17 = '+fpr(fitext0sol[betapar]+0.0001,1.2) endif if unextcurve and av gt 0.01 then begin lx = !p.position[0] + (0.58-0.13) ly = !p.position[3] - 0.06 * (3.8/ys) plots, [lx,lx+0.05], [ly,ly]+0.01-lsp*0, /norm, linestyle=unextlinestyle xyouts, lx+0.19, ly-lsp*0, /norm, 'A!DV!N = 0' xyouts, lx+0.06, ly-lsp*0, /norm, '!4b!17 = '+clip(fpr(beta,1.2)) endif endif else begin ; Standard caption lux = !p.position[0] + xmargin lx = !p.position[2] - xmargin - 15 * xnorm_ch_size ly = !p.position[3] - ymargin - ynorm_ch_size * 1.25 lsp = spacing nl = 0 if extmodel eq 'none' and keyword_set(ext2model) then begin hold = lux lux = lx ; swap locations lx = hold end xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, '!4b!17 = ' + betastr & nl = nl + 1 if extmodel ne 'maio' then begin xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, 'A!DV!N = ' + avstr & nl = nl + 1 endif else begin xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, 'A!D3000!N = ' + avstr & nl = nl + 1 endelse if (((avfixed eq 0) or av gt 0.0) and extmodel ne 'maio' and extmodel ne 'none') then begin xyouts,lx,ly-lsp*nl, /norm, 'R!DV!N = ' + rvstr & nl = nl + 1 endif if extmodel eq 'fm' then begin xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, 'C!D3!N = ' + bumpstr & nl = nl + 1 xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, 'C!D4!N = ' + uvstr & nl = nl + 1 endif else begin if n_elements(multi) eq 0 and extmodel ne 'none' then begin if extmodel eq 'smc' then xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, 'SMC extinction' if extmodel eq 'lmc' then xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, 'LMC extinction' if extmodel eq 'calz' then xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, 'Calzetti extinction' if extmodel eq 'maio' then xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, 'Maiolino extinction' nl = nl + 1 endif endelse xyouts, lx, ly-lsp*nl, /norm, '!4c!17!U2!N/dof = ' + chisqstr if keyword_set(ext0fit) then begin if beta gt 2 then lux = lux - 0.11 ubetastr = fpr(fitext0sol[betapar]+0.0001,2.2) + pm +fpr(fitext0perr[betapar],1.2) uavstr = '0.0 (fixed)' uchisqstr = clip(fitext0chisq,4) + ' / ' + clip(fitext0dof) xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*0, /norm, '!4b!17 = ' + ubetastr xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*1, /norm, 'A!DV!N = ' + uavstr xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*2, /norm, '!4c!17!U2!N/dof = ' + uchisqstr plots, [lux+0.03,lux+0.18], [ly+spacing,ly+spacing], /norm, linestyle=bestunextlinestyle plots, [lx+0.03,lx+0.18], [ly+spacing,ly+spacing], /norm, linestyle=extfitlinestyle endif if n_elements(ext2model) then begin chisq2str = clip(chisq2,4) + ' / ' + clip(dof2) xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*0, /norm, '!4b!17 = ' + beta2str xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*1, /norm, 'A!DV!N = ' + av2str if ext2model eq 'smc' then xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*2, /norm, 'SMC extinction' if ext2model eq 'lmc' then xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*2, /norm, 'LMC extinction' if ext2model eq 'calz' then xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*2, /norm, 'Calzetti extinction' if ext2model eq 'maio' then xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*2, /norm, 'Maiolino extinction' xyouts, lux, ly-lsp*3, /norm, '!4c!17!U2!N/dof = ' + chisq2str plots, [lux+0.03,lux+0.18], [ly+spacing,ly+spacing], /norm, linestyle=model2linestyle plots, [lx+0.03,lx+0.18], [ly+spacing,ly+spacing], /norm, linestyle=extfitlinestyle endif endelse endif if not(keyword_set(nolegend)) then begin l2x = !p.position[0] + xmargin*0.85 l2sp = spacing*0.85 l2y = !p.position[1] + ymargin + l2sp*0.25;*0.75 ypos = l2y if n_elements(multi) eq 0 then begin xyouts, l2x, ypos, /norm, 'Host redshift z = ' + clipzero(z), size=0.85 ypos = ypos + l2sp endif if n_elements(galav) gt 0 and n_elements(multi) eq 0 then begin xyouts, l2x, ypos, /norm, 'Corrected for Galactic A!DV!N =' + string(galav,format='(F5.2)'), size=0.85 ypos = ypos + l2sp endif if n_elements(time) gt 0 then begin if time gt 0.5 then timestr = clipzero(time) + ' day' $ else timestr = clip(round(time*24.*3600.))+' s' xyouts, l2x, ypos, /norm, 't = '+timestr, size=0.85 ypos = ypos + l2sp endif if n_elements(comment) gt 0 then begin xyouts, l2x, ypos, /norm, comment ypos = ypos + l2sp endif if n_elements(morecomment) gt 0 then begin xyouts, l2x, ypos, /norm, morecomment ypos = ypos + l2sp endif endif printlabels: labels = 1 if keyword_set(labels) then begin for i = 0, n_elements(filters)-1 do begin col = cols[i] xpos = wveffobs[i]/1.03 ypos = abmags[i]-0.65*spacing*abs(yrange[1]-yrange[0]) ; if xpos/xr[1] lt 2 and filters[i] ne 'clear' then begin ; xpos = xpos * 1.1 ; ; ypos = ypos - 0.04 ; endif ; nearcurve = (where( abs(wveffobs[i] - curvewav) eq $ ; min(abs(wveffobs[i] - curvewav)))) [0] ; ;print, '-', filters[i], abmags[i] - ujy2mag(curveflux[nearcurve],'AB') ; if abmags[i] - ujy2mag(curveflux[nearcurve],'AB') ge 0.15 then begin ; xpos = xpos * 1.10 ; endif ; if xpos gt xr[1]*1.15 and xpos lt xr[0] then $ xyouts, xpos, ypos, filters[i], color=col endfor endif if nofit then begin psclose set_plot, initdev return endif ; RESIDUALS PLOT if plotresiduals then begin !p.position = respos rightytitle = 'flux ratio' residual = ujy2mag(fluxcor,'AB') - ujy2mag(extpw(wveffobs,sol),'AB') resyrange = [0.5,-0.5] resyrangeright = mag2ujy(resyrange, 'AB') / mag2ujy(0.0, 'AB') resytickv = [-0.5,0,0.5] resyminor = 5 resrightyminor = 5 resrightytickv = [0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0] errcolor = intarr(n_elements(residual)) if nnf gt 0 then errcolor[nf] = 15 megaplot, wveffobs, residual, yerr=abmagerr, xerr=wverrobs, psym=-1, errcolor=errcolor, $ xrange=xr, xstyle=1, ystyle=1, /xlog, $ xtitle=xtitle, xtickformat=xtf, xminor=2, $ ytitle='residual (mag)',yrange=resyrange, ytickv=resytickv, yminor=resyminor, $ rightynormpos=resyrange,rightyrange=resyrangeright,rightystyle=1,/rightylog, $ rightytitle=rightytitle, ryminor=resrightyminor, rytickv=resrightytickv, xticklen=0.04 ;axis, xaxis=1, xrange=xr, xstyle=1, xtitle='', /xlog, $ ; xtickformat='(A1)', xminor=2 oplot, xr, [0,0] if ext0fit then $ oplot, curvewav[notdamped], (ujy2mag(fitext0curveflux,'AB')-ujy2mag(curveflux,'AB')) [notdamped], linestyle=bestunextlinestyle if n_elements(ext2model) gt 0 then begin valid = where(curveflux2 gt 0) oplot, curvewav[valid], ujy2mag(curveflux2[valid],'AB')-ujy2mag(curveflux[valid],'AB'), linestyle=model2linestyle endif ;diffcurve = ujy2mag(curveflux2,'AB')-ujy2mag(curveflux,'AB') ;oplot, curvewav, diffcurve, linestyle=1 ;replot axes again plot, [0], [0], xminor=1, xticks=1, xtickformat='(A1)', yminor=1, yticks=1, ytickformat='(A1)', /noerase endif if n_elements(multi) eq 0 then begin ; close the plot if not in multi mode. psclose set_plot, initdev endif else begin multi[3] = multi[3] + 1 if multi[3] eq multi[1] then begin multi[3] = 0 multi[2] = multi[2] + 1 endif endelse ; Broadband plot for X-rays... if ctxray gt 0 then begin initdev = ! set_plot, 'ps' !p.multi = 0 !p.position = 0 device, filename='' device, /inches, xsize=xs, ysize=4 device, /inches, yoffset=4.5+(5.5-ys) bbcurvewav = [curvewav, 1000, 100, 10] bbunextcurveflux = extpw(bbcurvewav, unextsol, /noigm) megaplot, [wveffobs, wveffobsx], [fluxcor, fluxcorx], yerr=[fluxerr, fluxerrx], xerr=[wverrobs, filtwv('keV')/2+fltarr(n_elements(fluxerrx))], xrange=[30000,5], xstyle=1, /xlog, /ylog, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=y2title oplot, bbcurvewav, bbunextcurveflux oplot, curvewav, unextcurveflux, linestyle=1 oplot, curvewav, curveflux, linestyle=2 psclose set_plot, initdev endif ; INFORMATION PRINTED TO CONSOLE ;print, ' F0 = '+clip(f0,5) + ' +/- ' + clip(ef0,5) print, ' beta = '+clip(beta,5) + ' +/-' + fpr(betaerr,2.3) if av ne 0.0 then begin print, ' A_V ='+fpr(av,2.3)+ ' +/-' + fpr(averr,2.3) endif else begin if n_elements(fixav) eq 0 then $ print, ' A_V <'+fpr(averr,2.3) $ else $ print, ' A_V ='+fpr(av,2.3)+ ' (fixed)' endelse if rvfixed eq 0 or strmid(extmodel,0,2) eq 'fm' or extmodel eq 'reichart' or extmodel eq 'reichartg' or extmodel eq 'ccm' or extmodel eq 'lmc2' then $ print, ' R_V ='+fpr(rv,2.3)+ ' +/-' + fpr(rverr,2.3) ;if av gt 1e-5 and extmodel ne 'maio' then $ ;print, ' E(B-V) ='+fpr(av/rv,2.3)+ ' +/-' + fpr(averr/rv,2.3) if strmid(extmodel,0,2) eq 'fm' or extmodel eq 'reichart' or extmodel eq 'reichartg' then begin print, ' C1 ='+fpr(c1,2.3)+ ' +/-' + fpr(c1err,2.3) print, ' C2 ='+fpr(c2,2.3)+ ' +/-' + fpr(c2err,2.3) print, ' C3 ='+fpr(c3,2.3)+ ' +/-' + fpr(c3err,2.3) print, ' C4 ='+fpr(c4,2.3)+ ' +/-' + fpr(c4err,2.3) if extmodel eq 'fm2g' or extmodel eq 'fm1g' or extmodel eq 'reichartg' then $ print, ' gamma =',fpr(gamma,2.3)+ ' +/-' + fpr(gammaerr,2.3) endif if strmid(extmodel,0,2) eq 'li' then begin print, ' C1 ='+fpr(c1,3.2)+ ' +/-' + fpr(c1err,3.2) print, ' C2 ='+fpr(c2,3.2)+ ' +/-' + fpr(c2err,3.2) print, ' C3 ='+fpr(c3,3.2)+ ' +/-' + fpr(c3err,3.2) print, ' C4 ='+fpr(c4,3.2)+ ' +/-' + fpr(c4err,3.2) endif print, ' chi^2/dof = '+chisqstr if n_elements(multi) eq 0 then begin print, 'Plotted to '+plotfile endif if n_elements(storefitfilters) gt 0 then fitfilters = storefitfilters x = storex fluxerr = storefluxerr end