GRB Optical Counterpart Images

A postcript file of a paper describing the identification and photometry of the gamma-ray burster optical counterpart (Djorgovski et al., 1997, Nature, 387, 876)

Postcript figure of a finding chart (320 arcsec square) for the source with x-ray and gamma-ray error circles (Fig. 1 from the paper). Caption for the figure

Postcript figure of the source light curve from May 9 to May 13 (UT) (Fig. 2 from the paper). Caption for the figure

Postcript figure of a deep finding chart (1 arcmin square) for the source and the nearby faint galaxy (Fig. 3 from the paper). Caption for the figure

A postcript file of a paper describing the spectroscopy of the gamma-ray burster optical counterpart (Metzger et al. 1997, Nature, 387, 878)

Fig. 1a from that paper, postcript file

Fig. 1b from that paper, postcript file

Table 1 from that paper, postcript file

You can also get these files via anonymous ftp at, cd users/george/grb
Read the press release for details of the discovery and its ramifications.
Read the initial announcements of the discovery as published in the IAU Circulars.

Image #1

Available in Postscript, TIF, JPEG, and GIF formats.

Image #2

Available in Postscript, TIF, JPEG, and GIF formats.

Image #3

Available in Postscript, TIF, JPEG, and GIF formats.

Image #4

Available in Postscript, TIF, JPEG, and GIF formats.

Caption for the above 4 images.

Comparison image #1

Available in Postscript, TIF, JPEG, and GIF formats.

Comparison image #2

Available in Postscript, TIF, JPEG, and GIF formats.

Caption for the above 2 images.
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