Roget's Thesaurus: Entry 545 (Deception)

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#545. Deception. -- N. deception; falseness &c 544; untruth &c 546; imposition, imposture; fraud, deceit, guile; fraudulence, fraudulency[obs]; covin[obs]; knavery &c. (cunning) 702; misrepresentation &c (falsehood) 544; bluff; straw-bail, straw bid [U.S.]; spoof*.

delusion, gullery[obs]; juggling, jugglery[obs]; slight of hand, legerdemain; prestigiation|, prestidigitation; magic &c 992; conjuring, conjuration; hocus-pocus, escamoterie[obs], jockeyship[obs]; trickery, coggery|, chicanery; supercherie[obs], cozenage[obs], circumvention, ingannation|, collusion; treachery &c 940; practical joke.

trick, cheat, wile, blind, feint, plant, bubble, fetch, catch, chicane, juggle, reach, hocus, bite; card sharping, stacked deck, loaded dice, quick shuffle, double dealing, dealing seconds, dealing from the bottom of the deck; artful dodge, swindle; tricks upon travelers; stratagem &c (artifice) 702; confidence trick, fake, hoax; theft &c. 791; ballot-box stuffing barney*[obs][U.S.], brace* game, bunko game, drop* game, gum* game, panel game[U.S.]; shell game, thimblerig; skin* game [U.S.].

snare, trap, pitfall, decoy, gin; springe[obs], springle|; noose, hoot; bait, decoy-duck, tub to the whale, baited trap, guet-a-pens; cobweb, net, meshes, toils, mouse trap, birdlime; dionaea[obs], Venus's flytrap[obs]; ambush &c 530; trapdoor, sliding panel, false bottom; spring-net, spring net, spring gun, mask, masked battery; mine; flytrap[obs]; green goods [U.S.]; panel house.

Cornish hug; wolf in sheep's clothing &c (deceiver) 548; disguise, disguisement[obs]; false colors, masquerade, mummery, borrowed plumes; pattes de velours[Fr].

mockery &c (imitation) 19; copy &c 21; counterfeit, sham, make- believe, forgery, fraud; lie &c 546; "a delusion a mockery and a snare" [Denman], hollow mockery.

whited sepulcher, painted sepulcher; tinsel; paste, junk jewelry, costume jewelry, false jewelry, synthetic jewels; scagliola[obs], ormolu, German silver, albata[obs], paktong[obs], white metal, Britannia metal, paint; veneer; jerry building; man of straw.

illusion &c (error) 495; ignis fatuus &c 423[Lat]; mirage &c 443.

V. deceive, take in; defraud, cheat, jockey, do, cozen, diddle, nab, chouse, play one false, bilk, cully[obs], jilt, bite, pluck, swindle, victimize; abuse; mystify; blind one's eyes; blindfold, hoodwink; throw dust into the eyes; dupe, gull, hoax, fool, befool[obs], bamboozle, flimflam, hornswoggle; trick.

impose upon, practice upon, play upon, put upon, palm off on, palm upon, foist upon; snatch a verdict; bluff off, bluff; bunko, four flush*, gum* [U.S.], spoof*, stuff (a ballot box) [U.S.].

circumvent, overreach; outreach, out wit, out maneuver; steal a march upon, give the go-by, to leave in the lurch

decoy, waylay, lure, beguile, delude, inveigle; entrap, intrap[obs], ensnare; nick, springe[obs]; set a trap, lay a trap, lay a snare for; bait the hook, forelay[obs], spread the toils, lime; trapan[obs], trepan; kidnap; let in, hook in; nousle[obs], nousel[obs]; blind a trail; enmesh, immesh[obs]; shanghai; catch, catch in a trap; sniggle, entangle, illaqueate[obs], hocus, escamoter[obs], practice on one's credulity; hum, humbug; gammon, stuff up*, sell; play a trick upon one, play a practical joke upon one, put something over on one, put one over on; balk, trip up, throw a tub to a whale; fool to the top of one's bent, send on a fool's errand; make game, make a fool of, make an April fool of[obs], make an ass of; trifle with, cajole, flatter; come over &c. (influence) 615; gild the pill, make things pleasant, divert, put a good face upon; dissemble &c 544.

cog, cog the dice, load the dice, stack the deck; live by one's wits, play at hide and seek; obtain money under false pretenses &c (steal) 791; conjure, juggle, practice chicanery; deacon [U.S.].

play off, palm off, foist off, fob- off.

lie &c 544; misinform &c 538; mislead &c (error) 495; betray &c 940; be deceived &c 547.

Adj. deceived &c v.; deceiving &c; cunning &c 702; prestigious|, prestigiatory|; deceptive, deceptious[obs]; deceitful, covinous[obs]; delusive, delusory; illusive, illusory; elusive, insidious, ad captandum vulgus[Lat].

untrue &c 546; mock, sham, make-believe, counterfeit, snide*, pseudo, spurious, supposititious, so-called, pretended, feigned, trumped up, bogus, scamped, fraudulent, tricky, factitious;bastard; surreptitious, illegitimate, contraband, adulterated, sophisticated; unsound, rotten at the core; colorable; disguised; meretricious, tinsel, pinchbeck, plated; catchpenny; Brummagem.

artificial, synthetic, ersatz[&German]; simulated &c 544.

Adv. under false colors, under the garb of, under cover of; over the left.

Phr. "keep the word of promise to the ear and break it to the hope" [Macbeth]; fronti nulla fides[Lat]; "ah that deceit should steal such gentle shapes" [Richard III]; "a quicksand of deceit" [Henry VI]; decipimur specie recti [Lat][Horace]; falsi crimen[Lat]; fraus est celare fraudem[Lat]; lupus in fabula[Lat]; "so smooth, he daubed his vice with show of virtue" [Richard III].