Variable Stars

file: "dataset.d15.csv". (Here the file extension ".csv" stands for comma separated value which means that the file consists of rows of value. In each row each value, except the last one on the line, is followed by a comma). Below "$" stands for Unix prompt (it could be different for your machine). First, let us see how many lines this file has $ wc -l dataset.d15.csv #be patient, it is a big file 259973 dataset.d15.csv That is a lot of lines (259,973). Next, let us view the first line which is the header line. $ head -n 1 dataset.d15.csv The first line has 140 values separated by a comma. Each value is the name of the column. Thus the file is 259,973 rows by 140 columns. It is useful to have a numerical index to each column $ head -n 1 dataset.d15.csv | tr ',' '\n' | nl > header.txt (1) (2) (3) (4) explanation: (1) read the first line and "pipe" it to the next command (2) subsitute a "new line" character (\n) for each comma (3) numer the resulting lines (4) save the output to file "header.txt" The contents of this file can be found at the bottom of this file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ header.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 index 2 zvm_id 3 variable 4 periodic 5 pulsator 6 RR Lyrae 7 Cepheid 8 multi periodic 9 sinusoidal 10 non-variable 11 bogus 12 bright star 13 long timescale 14 irregular 15 blend 16 galaxy 17 eclipsing 18 EW 19 flaring 20 ccd artifact 21 binary star 22 detached eclipsing MS-MS 23 W Uma 24 RR Lyrae ab 25 RR Lyrae c 26 Delta Scu 27 RR Lyrae d 28 Cepheid type-II 29 RS CVn 30 EB 31 Beta Lyr 32 sawtooth 33 RR Lyrae Blazhko 34 EA 35 YSO 36 dipping 37 wrong period 38 double period 39 AGN 40 RV Tau 41 LPV 42 Mira 43 half period 44 SRV 45 W Virginis 46 compact binary 47 eclipsing WD+dM (NN Ser) 48 nice 49 niice 50 F 51 O 52 BL Her 53 OSARG 54 eclipsing sdB+dM (HW Vir) 55 elliptical 56 Redback pulsar 57 CV 58 W UMa 59 AllWISE___id 60 AllWISE__ph_qual 61 AllWISE__w1mpro 62 AllWISE__w1sigmpro 63 AllWISE__w2mpro 64 AllWISE__w2sigmpro 65 AllWISE__w3mpro 66 AllWISE__w3sigmpro 67 AllWISE__w4mpro 68 AllWISE__w4sigmpro 69 Gaia_EDR3___id 70 Gaia_EDR3__astrometric_excess_noise 71 Gaia_EDR3__parallax 72 Gaia_EDR3__parallax_error 73 Gaia_EDR3__phot_bp_mean_mag 74 Gaia_EDR3__phot_bp_rp_excess_factor 75 Gaia_EDR3__phot_g_mean_mag 76 Gaia_EDR3__phot_rp_mean_mag 77 Gaia_EDR3__pmdec 78 Gaia_EDR3__pmdec_error 79 Gaia_EDR3__pmra 80 Gaia_EDR3__pmra_error 81 PS1_DR1___id 82 PS1_DR1__gMeanPSFMag 83 PS1_DR1__gMeanPSFMagErr 84 PS1_DR1__iMeanPSFMag 85 PS1_DR1__iMeanPSFMagErr 86 PS1_DR1__qualityFlag 87 PS1_DR1__rMeanPSFMag 88 PS1_DR1__rMeanPSFMagErr 89 PS1_DR1__yMeanPSFMag 90 PS1_DR1__yMeanPSFMagErr 91 PS1_DR1__zMeanPSFMag 92 PS1_DR1__zMeanPSFMagErr 93 ad 94 ccd 95 chi2red 96 dec 97 dmdt 98 f1_BIC 99 f1_a 100 f1_amp 101 f1_b 102 f1_phi0 103 f1_power 104 f1_relamp1 105 f1_relamp2 106 f1_relamp3 107 f1_relamp4 108 f1_relphi1 109 f1_relphi2 110 f1_relphi3 111 f1_relphi4 112 field 113 i60r 114 i70r 115 i80r 116 i90r 117 inv_vonneumannratio 118 iqr 119 mean_ztf_alert_braai 120 median 121 median_abs_dev 122 n 123 n_ztf_alerts 124 norm_excess_var 125 norm_peak_to_peak_amp 126 pdot 127 period 128 quad 129 ra 130 roms 131 significance 132 skew 133 smallkurt 134 stetson_j 135 stetson_k 136 sw 137 welch_i 138 wmean 139 wstd 140 ztf_id