This file is ./makee/ . ...................... See 0.makee.flow to see the input/output flow for makee. Execute "makee" with no parameters to see the command syntax. ...................... Running "makee" (MAuna Kea Echelle Extractor): Input: The required command line inputs to "makee" include the object FITS file, bright star FITS file (used only to define a trace), and the flat field (quartz lamp) FITS file. "makee" also takes an optional arc-lamp FITS file to determine the wavelength scale. (The wavelength scale will be fitted automatically using a database of previously calibrated arc-lamp spectra.) Other optional parameters include: "mode=n" to specify one of four different extraction modes. Output: The program will produce a PostScript plot of the trace fits and the data points used (minus a straight line connecting the end points) called: "tracefits_(obs#).ps". The PostScript file "profiles_(obs#).ps" will show you the spatial profile of each order and the initial guess at the object range and background ranges as well as a plot of object widths and centroid offsets. The FITS files Flux-(obs#).fits, Sky-(obs#).fits, and Err-(obs#).fits contain the final spectra (Data, Sky, and Error) for each order. The files are images where the number of rows equals the number of orders. The bluest order is the first row. You can look at the spectra using the program "spim0". The file s2n-(obs#).fits is the signal-to-noise (Flux)/(Err). The file DN-(obs#).fits gives the object spectrum in digital number. This file is for reference only, it is not recommended for analysis since it contains flat field features. Also for reference is the file Flat-(obs#).fits which is a non-normalized spectrum of the flat field image. See 0.example for an example of a S/N check using the DN-(obs#).fits file. With the option "lpr=" you can output files sent directory to your printer. ..................... Program parameters: The program is divided into two parts: "EE" which finds the orders and the object ranges and "PSE" (Psf Spectral Extraction) which corrects for CRs and optimally extracts the spectrum for each order. There are a number of parameters which can be altered for each part. The file "keck.parm" includes parameters which determine the fraction of flux in the object to include when determining the object ranges as well as values which adjust the width of the order. In the file "" there are parameters which control the rejection thresholds, the minimum amount of sky to use on either side of the object, and the polynomial orders to use in various fits. "keck.parm" may be changed at run-time, but changes to would require recompiling the programs. If you wish to change any of these parameters (e.g. if there is a serious problem with the extractions), make a copy of the keck.parm file into your directory. Edit this copy and use the "pf=file" option in makee.