MODPLOT Program MODPLOT makes 1d, 2d, or 3d plots of models consisting of delta functions and elliptical gaussians, after convolving them with a circular or elliptical gaussian restoring beam. To run the program, type command MODPLOT (defined in VLB:LOGIN.COM). The following describes the free format parameters, most of which are optional: BEAM: (3 values) Long axis, Short axis, Rotation of an elliptical beam. This parameter is mandatory on first run through program. Only one value implies circular beam. FREQ: New value of frequency, in MHz. Useful in conjunction with MODFILE This parameter is required for first plot. MODFILE: Name of model file to replace current model, if any. This parameter is required before first plot. PLOTFILE: The specification for the output plot in the format "device/type". "device" can be any file or plotting unit. "type" specifies the type of plotting unit desired, such as a tektronix terminal, versatec formatted file, etc. The allowable choices for "type" include the first 2 to 4 letters of: TEktronix, PRintronix, VErsatec, GRinnell, and VT125. Thus, valid examples of PLOTFILE include: PLOTFILE="TTA6/TEK"; PLOT="DEIMOS::PLOT.RSS/VE"; PLOT="GRA0/GR"; PLOT="/GR" (sends plot to Grinnell); PLOT="/VT" (sends plot your terminal, and assumes it is a VT125). LRTB: (4 values) Left, Right, Top, Bottom specifies plot window, in mas. CONTOUR: (up to 26 values) Contour values in % of max, unless DEGREES or JYBEAM used. TITLE: Title written onto plot; up to 48 characters allowed. PIXELS: Number of pixels along X-axis of plots. ROTATE: Angle in degrees by which model should be rotated counter-clockwise relative to window (Useful for 1-d and 3-d plots). RMS: The RMS over the entire plotwindow is computed. ONED: Makes an integrated 1-dimensonal profile along P.A.=90-(ROTATE). Thus the map is projected down onto the x-axis. See PEAKPLT. ONEDMAX: Set Y-scale of 1-d plots in Jy/mas; in Jy/beam if PEAKPLT is used. MODPLOT Page 2 PEAKPLT: This implies that ONED plots peak brightness along P.A.=-(ROTATE); Note that peak brightness will generally not be in a straight line!! TWOD: Go back to 2-dimensional contour plots. THREED: Make a "3-d" plot. Viewpoint is from lower left corner of 2-d plot; The value of THREED is the angle of view above plane, in degrees. Default angle of view is 25 degrees. GRAY: Make 2-d gray scale plots, and send to the file FOR009.DAT. This file is specific for a Printronix printer, and must be printed with a PRINT/NOFEED or PRINT/PASSALL command. [It is not possible to use MODPLOT to make gray-scale plots on other devices.] SAVEFILE: Write the map into a file in a format suitable for the program MAPDISPLAY, which allows one to make pseudo-color pictures on the GRINNELL. AREAFILE: Save the integrated areas of the contours in file AREAFILE. SCALE: Scale on the plot, in mas/tick mark. The default is to use as large a plot area. Note: If the SCALE you have selected is incompatible with the plot window selected (see LRTB), SCALE will be altered so that entire window is plotted. DEGREES: Switch which implies CONTOUR values are in units of 1E8 degrees K. JYBEAM: Switch which implies CONTOUR values are in units of Jy per beam. NUMBER: If NUMBER=n, only the first n components of the model will be used. LIST: Lists the model components. LINEWIDTH: Width of plot lines in 1D and 2D plots, in units of the default (minimum) line width. This is extremely useful for producing publication-grade plots on the Versatec. Useful values are in the range 2 to 5. DRAWBEAM: Specifying this parameter causes the beam to be drawn as a sheded ellipse in the bottom left corner of the plot, offset by x units (tick marks) from the bottom edge and left-hand edge of the frame, where x is the value of the parameter DRAWBEAM. If no value is specified, 1 is used. If DRAWBEAM is omitted (the default) the beam is not drawn inside the plot window. DRAWSCALE: Specifying this parameter causes a scale to be drawn in a corner of the plot, with the length of the scale in mas equal to the value of this parameter. DRAWSCALE=0 (the default) implies no scale drawn inside the plot window. MODPLOT Page 3 NOTEXT: If this parameter is specified, the annotation text on the right of the plot will be omitted. LABEL: If this parameter is specified (for 2-D plots) the frame enclosing the plot will be labelled at the tick marks. COLOR1D = c1,c2,c3,c4; COLOR2D = c1,c2,c3,c4,c5; COLOR3D = c1: These parameters can be used to change the color indices used for plotting on color devices. See the PGPLOT manual for an explanation of color indices. The colors are used as follows: COLOR1D (4 values): grid and beam label, function plot, header and position angle, beam plot (defaults 3, 5, 4, 2); COLOR2D (5 values): grid, positive contours, negative contours, beam and title, annotation (defaults 4, 5, 7, 2, 3); COLOR3D: color index used for 3-d plots (default 2). EXIT: Leave the program and close any open files; no more new plots. " EXIT / " has the same effect a a control Z. Note that the following parameters must be specified for the first plot: BEAM, FREQ, MODFILE, and PLOTFILE. NOTE MODPLOT only accepts delta-function and gaussian components. Other component types (disk, tapered disk, etc) are treated as gaussians, and no warning is given. R.S. Simon, 1983 April 19 Last modified by A.K. Tzioumis, 1986 Apr 21 Help file updated 1986 Nov 25