MTDUMP MTDUMP will produce a hexadecimal and character dump of any number of physical blocks on a tape. The user must first MOUNT the tape with the FOREIGN qualifier, e.g. : $ MOUNT/FOREIGN MTA1: To run the program: $ RUN VLB:MTDUMP The user will then be prompted for certain parameters. The default values of these parameters are indicated in brackets []. The defaulting mechanism is identical to that used by MTANAL. The prompts are the following: File name for listing [MTDUMP.LIS] = Tape Unit (ddcn:) = Number of files to be skipped [0] = Number of blocks to be skipped [0] = Number of blocks to be dumped [32768] = Title [optional] = Translate from EBCDIC [no]? The dumping stops when, either the number of blocks specified by the user have been processed, the end of the tape has been detected (two consecutive file marks), or an error condition has occurred.