What info should be on the syllabus?
The main point of a syllabus is to set the "ground rules" for the course. They are used to set up any special policies a professor may have and to outline the material that will be covered during the term. Most of these pointers are taken from the Caltech Graduate Office's TA handbook.
- What topics will be covered in the class?
- What are the collaboration policies for homework, exams, lab write-ups, etc.?
- What is the grading procedure?
- If exams are to be given, what will the exam format be?
- Are there any materials on reserve that might offer additional help?
- What are the policies on make-up exams and late assignments?
- Will there be a review session for midterms and final exams?
- Who is the TA? What is their contact information?
For TAs of graduate level classes, the graduate students have compiled syllabi for each of the AY120 series classes. If the syllabus for your course is missing many of these points, please remind the professor of the graduate student-generated syllabi.